This Week’s Legislative Column from Sen. Mike Cunningham

Cunningham - Column Banner - 060514Right to Work Closer to Becoming a Reality for Missouri

This week we watched as our new governor delivered his first State of the State address and learned the priorities we have ahead of us this legislative session. One priority of the governor, as well as myself and many in the General Assembly, is making Missouri a Right to Work state.

Currently Missouri is 47th in the nation in job growth, development and attracting a workforce.  Passage of workers’ choice legislation would allow businesses the opportunity to create better jobs with growing incomes leading to stronger economic growth. For the past several years, the previous governor vetoed our economic development ideas and legislation, and with the new administration I am optimistic we have the opportunity to make Missouri a pro-worker, pro-business environment.

This week Senate Bill 19 was heard in the Senate General Laws Committee. The bill would prohibit employers from requiring their employees or barring their employees from becoming a member of a labor organization or union as a condition of employment. Any person that wants to work in Missouri should not be required to join a union in order to keep or get a job.

Several states have passed Right to Work legislation and seen an increase in jobs, union membership and increased wages including Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana.  All of the states immediately surrounding Missouri, with the exception of Illinois, have passed Right to Work laws. The 22 states that passed Right to Work laws before 2012 have some of the largest economic growth.

Right to Work states had more than 17 percent average growth between 2004 and 2014.  During the same time period, states without Right to Work only experienced 11.5 percent growth. Research has shown that the top states for new manufacturing jobs, the states with lower unemployment rates and more private sector job growth are Right to Work states.

I believe it is imperative that we pass this legislation. Our state has to become more competitive with the states that surround us. We are losing far too many jobs to other states and we must work to correct this. By becoming a Right to Work state, Missouri will be a better environment for business and for Missourian’s looking to raise a family and thrive in the Show Me State. I will be voting in favor of this legislation and remain hopeful that we send it to the governor’s desk during this session.

As always, I appreciate it when groups from around Missouri and from our community back home come to visit me at the Capitol. If you would like to arrange a time to come and visit me in Jefferson City, or if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my Capitol office at (573) 751-1882.