SB 603
Modifies provisions relating to virtual education
LR Number:
Last Action:
6/1/2018 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 603, 576 & 898
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
July 1, 2019
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

CCS/HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 603, 576 & 898 - This act modifies provisions relating to virtual education.


This act changes the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP) to "The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program" and allows any eligible student to enroll in program courses of his or her choice to be paid by the school district or charter school, if the student has been enrolled full-time in a public school, including a public charter school, for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in the program, and the course is approved by the student's school district or charter school through a procedure described in the act. A student with a documented medical or psychological condition that prevented the student from attending school during the previous semester shall be exempt from the requirement that a student is enrolled full-time in and attended a public school for at least one semester in order to enroll in Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program courses.

A school district or charter school shall pay, for any single, year-long course for a student, the market necessary costs or 14% of the state adequacy target as calculated at the end of the most recent school year. A school district or charter school shall pay no more than 7% of the state adequacy target as calculated at the end of the most recent school year for any single, semester-long course. School districts and charter schools may negotiate with the course providers for a lower cost. Payment for a full-time virtual school student shall not exceed the state adequacy target, unless the student receives additional federal or state aid.

If a student who is a candidate for A+ tuition reimbursement enrolls in a course under the act, the school shall attribute no less than 95% attendance to any such student who has completed such course.

Individual learning plans shall be developed for all students enrolled in more than 2 full-time program courses.

School districts and charter schools shall adopt a policy that delineates the process by which a student may enroll in program courses. If a district or charter school disapproves a student's enrollment request, such request shall be for "good cause" as set forth in the act. In cases of denial, a process is established for a student and his or her family to appeal such denial.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall establish an authorization process for course providers and authorize those providers that submit all necessary information and offer courses that align to state academic standards.

The Department shall publish the authorization process along with deadlines and guidance applicable to the submission process. If there are insufficient funds to evaluate and authorize course providers, the Department may charge applicant course providers a fee to ensure that evaluation occurs. The authorization process shall provide for continuous monitoring of course providers and courses. The Department shall revoke, suspend, or take other corrective action if a provider or individual course no longer meets the requirements of the program. A provider shall be given a reasonable time period to take corrective action to avoid such revocation or suspension. Authorization renewal shall take place at least once every two years.

The Department shall publish an annual report on the state of the program that includes information as set forth in the act. Additionally, the Department shall create a course catalog for the program with information about courses authorized and available to students in the state.

The act requires the State Board of Education to: ensure that multiple learning management systems are provided for, provide an easily accessible link for course vendors on the program website, allow anyone to submit course for approval, and require vendors to accept monthly payments for students enrolled in their courses.

Courses already approved through MOVIP by August 28, 2018, shall automatically be authorized to participate in the program. Additionally, any online course or virtual program offered by a school district or charter school which meets the requirements of provisions of law relating to state funding for virtual schools shall automatically be approved to participate in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program. Such course or program shall be subject to periodic renewal. A school district or charter school offering such a course or program shall be deemed an approved provider. (Section 161.670)

The act repeals provisions establishing circumstances under which a student may be enrolled in the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program. (Section 167.121)

These provisions are identical to the truly agreed SS/HCS/HB 1606 (2018), similar to HCS/HB 1408 (2018), SCS/HCS/HB 138 (2017), SCS/SBs 327, 238 & 360 (2017), HB 970 (2017), and HB 2123 (2016).


This act also allows students enrolled in approved virtual institutions, as defined in the act, to participate in the Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program.

A virtual institution is required to continuously maintain certain specified requirements to be considered an approved virtual institution.

These provisions are identical to SB 682 (2018) and SCS/SB 188 (2017), substantially similar to HB 1267 (2018), and similar to HCS/HB 411 (2017) and SCS/HB 1716 (2016).

Additionally, the act makes technical changes to provisions of law relating to education grants for survivors of war veterans and the Vietnam Veterans Survivors Scholarship Program. (Sections 173.234 & 173.616)



No Amendments Found.