SB 862
Modifies provisions relating to electrical contractors
LR Number:
Last Action:
6/1/2018 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
SCS SB 862
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2018
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 862 - This act modifies provisions relating to electrical contractors.

Electrical contractors who have an occupational or business license for work as an electrical contractor or master electrician issued by any political subdivision in this state shall be eligible for a statewide license if the applicant meets certain requirements as set forth in the act.

Any person operating as an electrical contractor in a political subdivision that requires a local license shall not be required to possess a statewide license to continue to operate in such political subdivision.

No political subdivision shall require the holder of a statewide license to obtain a local business or occupational license that requires the passing of any examination or any special requirements to assess proficiency or mastery of the electrical trades. The holder of a statewide license shall be deemed eligible to perform such work from any political subdivision within the state of Missouri.

This act is identical to HCS/HB 2239 (2018) and substantially similar to provisions contained in CCS/SS/SCS/HB 1719 (2018).

