
SB 806 - This act modifies various provisions regarding guardianship and conservator proceedings.

Under current law in guardianship and conservator proceedings the court is to consider the suitability of a list of persons for appointment. This act provides that such persons are listed in the order of priority. The court may not appoint an unrelated third party unless there is no relative suitable and willing to serve, or if the appointment of a relative or a nominee is not in the best interest of the incapacitated or disabled person.

Notice of a petition to appoint a guardian or conservator for a minor must be served to the person or entity nominated to serve.

When the petition for the appointment of a guardian or conservator is filed based on grounds other than minority and a public administrator is nominated, the public administrator shall receive certain documents such as the petition and medical opinions and shall have an opportunity to be heard at the hearing.

Currently, a conservator has sixty days to make final settlement of the conservatorship. The act makes an exception to the sixty day requirement for when the protectoree has died and the court has ordered that no letters of administration are to be granted.


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