Democratic Senator Jason Holsman Highlights Missouri Senate’s Support for New UMKC Conservatory Building
JEFFERSON CITY — On Thursday, the Missouri Senate passed a House measure that subsidizes the construction of a building for the University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance. The state will provide roughly $48 million toward the $96-million project.
“The entire Kansas City delegation, UMKC Chancellor Leo Morton, Warren Erdman and the business community worked together to pass this historic legislation. The downtown arts campus will act as a beacon to recruit the most talented artists from across the country to Missouri,” voiced Kansas City’s Sen. Holsman.
Located in Sen. Holsman’s district, the Conservatory currently enrolls about 600 students and presents more than 500 events annually. With approval from Jefferson City, the university will begin construction of the building in the downtown area next to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
The measure received overwhelming support in both chambers of Legislature. The bipartisan measure will head to the governor for his approval.