Sen. Lauren Arthur Files Legislation to Help Workers Keep More of Their Hard-Earned Money


Jefferson City, Mo. – State Sen. Lauren Arthur, D – Kansas City, has filed Senate Bill 183, a bill that would empower working Missourians to retain more of the money they earn and pay less of it in taxes to state government.

“In recent years, the Missouri Legislature has passed tax cuts benefiting corporations and the wealthy. It’s time we pass real, commonsense tax reform that rewards work and strengthens the middle-class,” said Sen. Arthur. “And we should start with an Earned Income Tax Credit.”

Under the bill, working Missourians would qualify for a refundable credit that reduces their tax burden and, in many cases, provides a larger tax refund. This would help workers support their families and provide an incentive for people to spend the saved money in their community, which would boost Missouri’s economy.

Senator Arthur’s legislation would provide a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) equal to 20 percent of what a taxpayer is provided on the federal level. Further, workers who make below $25,000 are provided an additional credit, which the federal EITC currently leaves behind.

An Earned Income Tax Credit encourages adults to work, keeps more people off of public assistance and lifts millions of children out of poverty. Already, 29 other states have an EITC in place along with a similar measure at the federal level.

To learn more about Sen. Arthur and her sponsored legislation for the 2019 legislative session, please visit her Senate webpage.