Audio: Sen. Denny Hoskins Discusses the Second Week of the 2018 Legislative Session

Hoskins - Media Advisory Banner - 042617

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg, discusses this week’s annual budget address to lawmakers, the Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee’s upcoming first hearing and a visit to a Missouri veterans’ home.


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Hoskins-Podcast-011118  (2:58)  Q: the near future.

  1. Senator Hoskins says foster children, veterans and law enforcement are all important issues to Missouri.
    Hoskins-1-011118  (29)  Q: Missouri State Senate.
  2. Senator Hoskins also comments on allegations against the governor.
    Hoskins-2-011118  (28)  Q: rush to judgment.
  3. Senator Hoskins adds the Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee will hold its first hearing this Wednesday.
    Hoskins-3-011118  (24)  Q: 17th at 9 p.m.
  4. Senator Hoskins says he recently went on a fact-finding mission.
    Hoskins-4-011118  (30)  Q: the near future.