Sen. Dan Hegeman’s Capitol Report for the Week of Dec. 3, 2018

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Holding Government Accountable

On Tuesday, Nov. 27, the Missouri governor requested a probe from the state auditor into what seems like questionable spending on the part of the state Department of Public Safety (DPS). In August, the governor appointed a new director to head DPS. At the time, the Office of Administration conducted an initial review of spending practices under the previous DPS director. Based on that report, the new director requested a full audit of the office, which would provide a more comprehensive explanation of current spending. After reviewing the governor’s request, the state auditor agreed to perform an audit of the DPS director’s office.

I believe state government should be held accountable to the people it is supposed to serve. We should make sure taxpayer dollars are only being used for necessary governing activities. Nobody likes to pay taxes, but we understand that some taxes are necessary to keep government functioning and to pay for our schools, bridges, law enforcement, health care programs and other important state responsibilities. When departments don’t allocate those tax dollars efficiently, it hurts people’s trust in their government. That’s why it’s vital to conduct regular, routine audits of state expenditures. By doing so, we can help make government more efficient and effective in how it spends taxpayer funds.

I agree with the governor, DPS director and state auditor — a full review of spending in the DPS director’s office is the right move. Obviously, something is off track. As responsible stewards of state spending, Missouri public officials should be concerned. It’s important to have a full accounting of the situation, and a state audit will help us move DPS in the right direction.

As always, please feel free to call, email or write with your ideas or concerns. My Capitol office number is (573) 751-1415, my email is and my mailing address is Room 332, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101.