Senator Dan Brown’s Legislative Column

brownIt’s that familiar time of year, where I look around and see so many things that fill my heart with gladness. The Christmas tree shimmering with lights, stockings hung above the fireplace and decorations adorning the front lawn help me recall memories of wonderful times I’ve spent with my loved ones.

The Christmas season gives each of us the opportunity to show our friends and family how much they mean to us. Christmas is an occasion for each of us to put others before ourselves, show our loved ones how much they mean to us. While the Christmas season can certainly be stressful, be patient and remember the reason for the season.

As we look forward to 2018, take a moment and reflect on the past year. There is a lot we can learn from 2017 as we move forward into a new year. As the calendar turns, remember to always love your neighbor as yourself. This world will be a better place if we show respect and kindness to everyone around us. Take the initiative and be the shining example of charity and compassion for all the world to see.

Use this time to express your thankfulness for your family, rejoice in your faith and remember the sacrifice our Lord Jesus made so that we might enjoy our time on earth with the people around us. I pray that you remember those less-fortunate than yourself this season and say a prayer for all of our servicemen and women serving overseas as they spend Christmas apart from their families.

As always, I encourage my constituents to contact me throughout the year with comments, questions or suggestions by calling my office at (573) 751-5713. To find more information about the bills I sponsor, visit Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government.