Senator Denny Hoskins’ Proposal Enhancing Protections for Businesses Discussed in Committee

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JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg, presented Senate Bill 608, The Business Premise Safety Act, for consideration before the Missouri Senate’s Small Business and Industry Committee. The proposed legislation would create a level of protection for business against frivolous lawsuits.

“I filed Senate Bill 608 to give business owners and farmers, some ability to defend themselves against lawsuits filed over injuries related to criminal acts of others where the property owner had no control,” Hoskins said.  “Senate Bill 608 is intended to give the landowner a solid defense from people who were committing crimes or under the influence of drugs or alcohol on their property.”

The legislation would grant immunity to businesses who have implemented reasonable security measures to deter such acts.

“This bill gives courts guidance on how to analyze these lawsuits,” said Hoskins. “If passed, Senate Bill 608 will lead to a better tort environment for our state and give businesses owners and farmers peace of mind that the law is on their side when sued over criminal acts of others.”

Business leaders from the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, insurance, grocery, retail and banking industries testified in support of the bill, describing it as a way to strengthen and further define the No Duty Rule under Missouri state law. Supporters also noted that lawsuits of this nature can create an undue burden on a business’ level of productivity and their reputation within a community.

For information about Sen. Hoskins, please visit his official Missouri Senate website at