Sen. Gary Romine Files Legislation to Protect the Integrity of the Appointment Process

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Senator Romine Files Legislation to Protect the Integrity of the Appointment Process

Jefferson City, Mo – Missouri State Sen. Gary Romine, R-Farmington, filed legislation intended to protect the integrity of the appointment process used by the governor while the Senate is out of session. The bill is in response to the recent, unprecedented chaos at the Missouri State Board of Education.

“The State Board of Education should not make politically motivated decisions affecting Missouri’s children when a majority of its members haven’t been confirmed by the Senate,” said Sen. Romine. “The interim appointees were on the job for a short period of time with one literally making a decision minutes after being sworn in. They couldn’t possibly have reached an understanding of the strides the department has made to improve student performance, much less understand the ramifications of firing a commissioner that is well liked and respected across the state.”

The appointment process to the State Board of Education was set up to be insulated from the political whims of one governor to the next and this legislation will return integrity to the process by reaffirming the vital role of the Senate.

“When a governor makes 10 appointments to fill five vacancies, there is only one conclusion you can make; the governor is manipulating and playing politics with the board,” Sen. Romine said. “Citizen appointees are not puppets of the governor. Once they are appointed, they deserve the Senate’s full consideration for confirmation. My bill will ensure future appointees get an opportunity to serve on the State Board of Education without fear of removal if they make a decision contrary to the governor’s wishes, maintaining the board’s independent voice for Missouri’s children going forward.”

The 2018 legislative session begins Jan. 3, 2018 at noon.