SB 488
Provides that exonerated felons may be paid restitution
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/14/2019 - Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2019

Current Bill Summary

SB 488 - This act specifies that individuals convicted of a felony in a Missouri court who are later determined to be actually innocent solely as a result of a court order or jury verdict may be paid restitution of $50 per day of postconviction incarceration.

For purposes of the act, the term "actually innocent" shall mean that the individual was convicted of a felony for which a final order of release has been entered by the court, the individual was not concurrently serving a sentence for any other crime except as specified in the act, and the individual has been exonerated of the felony by a court of competent jurisdiction.



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