- SB 238 - Emery - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for unemployment benefits
LR: 1367S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 238-Emery
- SB 239 - White - Allows counties to opt out of provisions relating to prevailing wage
LR: 0915S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 239-White
- SB 240 - White - Allows counties to adopt provisions relating to membership in labor organizations
LR: 0901S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 240-White
- SB 241 - Rizzo - Extends authority to appropriate money for certain convention and sports complex funds
LR: 1322S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 241-Rizzo
- SB 242 - Walsh - Specifies that the Director of Revenue may issue historic motor vehicle license plates without a mileage restriction as a category of special license plates
LR: 0910S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 242-Walsh
- SB 243 - Walsh - Creates a new hold order for personal property received by pawnbrokers
LR: 0969S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 243-Walsh
- SB 244 - Walsh - Modifies the registration as a sex offender for certain offenses
LR: 0844S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 244-Walsh
- SB 245 - Walsh - Requires potable water in certain elementary school buildings to be tested for lead
LR: 0748S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 245-Walsh
- SB 246 - Hough - Increases the maximum duration of credit transaction that is subject to regulation under the statutes governing credit insurance
LR: 1318S.01P
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 246-Hough
- SB 247 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to athletic trainers
LR: 1288S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 247-Hough
- SB 248 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation judges
LR: 1395S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 248-Brown
- SB 249 - Koenig - Creates the Alternative Disability Services Act
LR: 0923S.02I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 249-Koenig
- SB 250 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the publication of notice of the sale of real estate
LR: 1399S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 250-Koenig
- SB 251 - Koenig - Creates the "Fresh Start Act of 2019"
LR: 1364S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SB 251-Koenig
- SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County
LR: 0847S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 2 - Hegeman - Requests the U.S. Congress to replace the statue of Thomas Hart Benton in the Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol with a statue of Harry S Truman
LR: 1312S.01T
- 1/14/2019 -- Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change
LR: 0160S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S Offered--SCR 3-Emery
- SCR 4 - Curls - Designates the Kansas City Chiefs as the official professional football team of the state of Missouri
LR: 1387S.01T
- 1/14/2019 -- S First Read--SCR 4-Curls, et al
- SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations
LR: 0306S.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S Offered--SCR 5-Wallingford
- HCR 2 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session for the State of the State Address
LR: 1218H.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S adopted
- 1/14/2019 -- Senate Escort Committee appointed: Schatz, Crawford, Emery, Sater, Wallingford, Walsh, Arthur, Curls, Schupp, Williams
- HCR 3 - Vescovo - Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri
LR: 1219H.01I
- 1/14/2019 -- S adopted