- SB 7 - Emery - Modifies provisions of civil procedure regarding joinder and venue
LR: 0212S.13T SS#2 SB 7
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Judiciary
- SB 12 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders
LR: 0414S.02T SCS SBs 12 & 123
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS S adopted
- 3/12/2019 -- Perfected
- 3/12/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 43 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act
LR: 0260S.05I
- 3/12/2019 -- Bill Combined (w/SCS SBs 327 & 43)
- SB 56 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to financial incentives for job creation
LR: 0629S.02C SCS SB 56
- 3/12/2019 -- SA 1 S withdrawn
- 3/12/2019 -- SS for SCS S offered (Cierpiot)--(0629S.04F)
- 3/12/2019 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Eigel)--(0629S04.01S)
- 3/12/2019 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program
LR: 0192S.02T SCS SB 101
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS S adopted
- 3/12/2019 -- Perfected
- 3/12/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 3/12/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 149 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes
LR: 0293S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- SB 183 - Arthur - Creates the Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit
LR: 0229S.03I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 202 - Romine - Creates provisions relating to mining royalties on federal land
LR: 1181S.04T CCS HCS SB 202
- 3/12/2019 -- Perfected
- 3/12/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties
LR: 1191H.07T HCS SCS SB 203
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 205 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the A+ Schools Program
LR: 1233S.03C SCS SB 205
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (1233S.03C)
- SB 220 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of partnerships
LR: 1126S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee (1126S.02C)
- SB 230 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
LR: 0886S.07T SS SCS SB 230
- 3/12/2019 -- SS for SCS S offered (Crawford)--(0886S.06F)
- 3/12/2019 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Williams)--(0886S06.01S)
- 3/12/2019 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 3/12/2019 -- Perfected
- 3/12/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 260 - Onder - Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law
LR: 1360S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 271 - Emery - Transfers the authority of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to regulate charter schools to the Missouri Charter Public School Commission
LR: 1516S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee (1516S.03C)
- SB 272 - Emery - Excludes any money reimbursed to school districts for the costs of special education from the calculation of average daily attendance
LR: 1036S.03C SCS SB 272
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (1036S.03C)
- SB 285 - Hough - Modifies provisions on the regulation of certain business organizations
LR: 1550S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee (1550S.02C)
- SB 299 - Rizzo - Extends the deadline for the remittance of certain tax liabilities
LR: 1641S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 314 - Burlison - Prohibits institutions of higher learning from discriminating against a religious student organization
LR: 1327S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 327 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies several provisions relating to gaming
LR: 1616S.03I
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS SBs 327 & 43) Progress and Development Committee (1616S.06C)
- SB 349 - O'Laughlin - Requires each local school district and charter school to have a policy for reading intervention plans for any pupils in grades kindergarten through four
LR: 1825S.02C SCS SB 349
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee (1825S.02C)
- SB 355 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the New Business Facility Tax Credit
LR: 1357S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 358 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to the Health Professional Student Loan Repayment Program
LR: 1430S.01P
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- 3/12/2019 -- Motion to pass bill as consent taken by S Education Committee - Consent vote adopted
- SB 365 - Hoskins - Establishes the School Turnaround Program to assist schools in need of intervention
LR: 1678S.02I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 407 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education
LR: 2123S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 410 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the calculation of Missouri adjusted gross income
LR: 2089S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 412 - Holsman - Modifies provisions for the abatement of vacant nuisance properties in Kansas City
LR: 2151S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 426 - Williams - Modifies provisions of the ABLE Act
LR: 2132S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Progress and Development Committee
- SB 431 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling
LR: 1513S.04C SCS SB 431
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Government Reform Committee
- 3/12/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee (1513S.04C)
- SB 441 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to certain MO HealthNet home and community-based services
LR: 2263S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Appropriations Committee
- SCR 3 - Emery - Recognizes the societal harms brought by pornography and the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change
LR: 0160S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 8 - Holsman - Requests Congress to call an Article V Convention of the States
LR: 1282S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 15 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
LR: 1102S.02I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 17 - Wieland - Establishes September 8-14, 2019 as "Resiliency Week"
LR: 2058S.01P
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 19 - Eigel - Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to oppose the Green New Deal
LR: 2121S.02I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 2 - Emery - Requires the Senate, beginning January 1, 2021, to try all impeachments and modifies what constitutes grounds for impeachment
LR: 0152S.04P SS SCS SJR 2
- 3/12/2019 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 3/12/2019 -- SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Emery)--(0152S.04F)
- 3/12/2019 -- Perfected
- 3/12/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 3 - Hegeman - Provides that a nonpartisan judicial commission shall submit to the Governor a list of all qualified nominees, rather than a list of three nominees, to fill a judicial vacancy in a court under the nonpartisan court plan
LR: 0576S.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Government Reform Committee
- SR 411 - Rowden - Use of Chamber - YMCA Youth in Government
LR: 1904SR.01I
- 3/12/2019 -- S Offered (Rowden)
- 3/12/2019 -- S adopted