- SB 11 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 0718H.02C HCS SB 11
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 29 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider reimbursement allowances
LR: 0680S.09T SS#3 SCS SB 29
- 4/23/2019 -- SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 4/23/2019 -- SS#2 for SCS S offered (Hegeman)--(0680S.08F)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Sater)--(0680S08.01S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SSA 1 for SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Sifton)--(0680S08.04S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 1 to SSA 1 for SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered & withdrawn (Rizzo)--(0680S08.05S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 2 to SSA 1 for SA 1 to SS#2 for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(0680S08.06F)
- 4/23/2019 -- SS#2 for SCS S withdrawn
- 4/23/2019 -- SS#3 for SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(0680S.09F)
- 4/23/2019 -- Perfected
- SB 34 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to coroners
LR: 0384S.04P SS SCS SB 34
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 36 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating real estate
LR: 0683S.03T CCS HCS SB 36
- 4/23/2019 -- Executive Session Cancelled H Professional Registration and Licensing
- SB 45 - Hoskins - Enacts provisions relating to health care for persons with disabilities
LR: 0312H.09C HCS SCS SB 45
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Health and Mental Health Policy
- SB 68 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development
LR: 0509H.03T HCS SB 68
- 4/23/2019 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Workforce Development
- SB 70 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 0572H.12C HCS SS SCS SBs 70 & 128
- 4/23/2019 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hough)--(0572S.09F)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (White)--(0572S09.01S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Holsman)--(0572S09.01F)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Holsman)--(0572S09.14S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Onder)--(0572S09.19S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Wieland)--(0572S09.18S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/23/2019 -- Perfected
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 83 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to court proceedings
LR: 0303S.03T CCS SCS SB 83
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass H Children and Families
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported Do Pass H Children and Families
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 88 - Libla - Modifies provisions of law relating to guardians ad litem
LR: 0665S.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 101 - Riddle - Establishes a statewide hearing aid distribution program
LR: 0192S.02T SCS SB 101
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass H Children and Families
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported Do Pass H Children and Families
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 184 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development
LR: 1142S.02P SCS SB 184
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 203 - Nasheed - Modifies nuisance actions in certain cities and counties
LR: 1191H.07T HCS SCS SB 203
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 204 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 0840H.02C HCS SB 204
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Cancelled H Professional Registration and Licensing
- SB 206 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to contracts for government facilities
LR: 1234H.02C HCS SB 206
- 4/23/2019 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Elementary and Secondary Education
- SB 218 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 0851H.07C HCS SS SB 218
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Elementary and Secondary Education
- SB 219 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance and renewal of CPA permits
LR: 1118S.02P SCS SB 219
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass H Downsizing State Government
- SB 275 - Sater - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 1192S.03T
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Health and Mental Health Policy
- SB 282 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of human remains
LR: 1541H.03T HCS SB 282
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 330 - Brown - Establishes an "Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives" special license plate
LR: 1740S.03P SCS SB 330
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Utilities
- SB 333 - Rizzo - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and municipalities to propose a 0.5% sales tax for fire protection
LR: 1779S.01T SB 333
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SB 373 - Schupp - Modifies the definition of "holocaust" as used in the Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission Act
LR: 1803S.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Removed H Consent Calendar
- SB 414 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to innovation in health insurance
LR: 2110S.05T SS SB 414
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SCR 1 - Walsh - Opposes any statewide vote or legislative mandate to reorganize the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County
LR: 0847S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- H First Read
- SCR 5 - Wallingford - Establishes the Joint Committee on Solid Waste Management District Operations
LR: 0306S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted H Utilities
- SCR 6 - Schupp - Calls on the Chinese Government to end the practice of organ harvesting from prisoners
LR: 0900S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Homeland Security
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SCR 21 - May - Designates August as Minority Organ Donor Awareness Month
LR: 0945S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 22 - Holsman - Supports increased public awareness on the issue of motorcycle profiling
LR: 2421S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 23 - Luetkemeyer - Urges the United States Congress to support designation of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area as part of the National Heritage Area System
LR: 2483S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 24 - Hegeman - Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to focus on protecting public health and safety through flood control
LR: 2492S.02I
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 27 - White - Establishes November 2019 as Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Awareness Month in Missouri
LR: 2504S.01I
- 4/23/2019 -- S Offered--SCR 27-White
- HB 1 - Smith - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners
LR: 0001H.02T HCS HB 1
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
LR: 0002H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 2
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 3 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education
LR: 0003H.06T CCS#2 SCS HCS HB 3
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 4 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue and Department of Transportation
LR: 0004H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 4
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 5 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety
LR: 0005H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 5
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 6 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation
LR: 0006H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 6
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 7 - Smith - Appropriates money for the departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial Relations
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 8 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety
LR: 0008H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 8
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee wSCS
- HB 9 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections
LR: 0009H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 9
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee wSCS
- HB 10 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services
LR: 0010H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 10
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 11 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services
LR: 0011H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 11
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 12 - Smith - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly
LR: 0012H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 12
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 13 - Smith - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services
LR: 0013S.04T SCS HCS HB 13
- 4/23/2019 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 126 - Schroer - Modifies provisions relating to abortion
LR: 0461S.18T SS SCS HB 126
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 188 - Rehder - Establishes the Narcotics Control Act
LR: 0666H.03P
- 4/23/2019 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 192 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to court procedures
LR: 0761S.08T SS SCS HCS HB 192
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 219 - Wood - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 0912S.10F SS#2 HB 219
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 250 - Schroer - Allows wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision
LR: 0679H.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Cancelled S General Laws Committee
- HB 332 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to employment security
LR: 0894S.02C SCS HB 332
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 333 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 1033S.03C SCS HCS HB 333
- 4/23/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee (1033S.03C)
- HB 338 - Schnelting - Creates a number of state designations
LR: 0811H.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Cancelled S General Laws Committee
- HB 346 - Lynch - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for the creation of military jobs
LR: 0903H.02P HCS HB 346
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- HB 374 - Christofanelli - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax
LR: 0714H.04P HCS#2 HB 374
- 4/23/2019 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee (0714S.06C)
- HB 397 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
LR: 0962H.08T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 397
- 4/23/2019 -- SS for SCS S offered (Riddle)--(0962S.05F)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Onder)--(0962S05.01S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & withdrawn (Nasheed)--(0962S05.04S)
- 4/23/2019 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 400 - Basye - Modifies the Missouri Returning Heroes Education Act
LR: 0785H.04P HCS HB 400
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- HB 447 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the deceased
LR: 0489S.03T SCS HCS HB 447
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 499 - Griesheimer - Enacts provisions relating to transportation
LR: 1178H.09T CCS SS HCS#2 HB 499
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 523 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to the No-Call list
LR: 0749S.03C SCS HB 523
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- HB 564 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 1384S.15F SS SCS HCS HB 564
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 612 - Coleman - Transfers the State Council on the Arts from the Department of Economic Development to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor
LR: 1485H.01T
- 4/23/2019 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 4/23/2019 -- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed
- HB 637 - Shawan - Modifies provisions relating to fantasy sports
LR: 0997S.03C SCS HB 637
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HB 637-Shawan
- HB 703 - Richey - Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
LR: 1681S.03C SCS HCS HB 703
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- HB 715 - Lynch - Removes the sunset provision for the Wartime Veteran's Survivor Grant Program
LR: 1667H.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Veterans and Military Affairs Committee
- HB 746 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to charges for the service of court orders
LR: 1718H.02P HCS HBs 746 & 722
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- HB 919 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to the partition of property
LR: 1956H.02P HCS HB 919
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 919
- HB 926 - Shawan - Enacts provisions relating to license plates
LR: 1994S.02T SCS HB 926
- 4/23/2019 -- Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 966 - Gregory - Creates the offense of vehicle hijacking
LR: 2087H.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- HB 1061 - Patterson - Provides tax exemptions for certain property sales and leases by port authorities
LR: 2237H.01P
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
- HB 1099 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to public institutions of higher education
LR: 2318H.02P HCS HB 1099
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 1099
- HB 1237 - Fitzwater - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property
LR: 2478S.03C SCS HB 1237
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HB 1237-Fitzwater
- HCB 1 - Roden - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property
LR: 2484H.03P HCB 1
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCB 1-Roden
- HCB 5 - Ruth - Designates memorial highways
LR: 2490H.01P HCB 5
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCB 5-Ruth
- HCB 7 - Roeber - Requires all superintendents and assistant superintendents to enter into a written employment contract with a school district as a condition of employment
LR: 2493H.02P HCB 7
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCB 7-Roeber
- HCB 10 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 2498H.02P HCB 10
- 4/23/2019 -- S First Read--HCB 10-Shaul
- HCR 16 - Dohrman - Urges Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the Ghost Army of World War II
LR: 0928H.02C HCS HCR 16
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- HCR 18 - Spencer - Urges all public schools to institute Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in their schools
LR: 1403H.01D
- 4/23/2019 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee