SB 122
Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/5/2019 - SCS Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee (0584S.06C)
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2019

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 122 - This act establishes the Stop Socialism Act. The act creates a cause of action by any person against a state or local public body if the public body provides, or offers to provide, a competitive service that is also provided by the person within the jurisdiction of the public body. The public body shall not be liable for such a cause of action if the person offered the competitive service after the public body. Additionally, the public body shall not be liable if there is an overriding or compelling public interest in the competitive service, which includes services of the criminal justice system and educational institutions.

Upon showing by a preponderance of the evidence that the offering of the service by the public body has been to the economic detriment of the person, the court shall enjoin the public body from continuing to offer the competitive service.



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