SCR 14
Authorizes and directs the Office of Administration to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on transportation bonds issued by the Highways and Transportation Commission
LR Number:
Last Action:
6/10/2019 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
SS#2 SCR 14
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
Upon adoption and approval by the Governor
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SS#2/SCR 14 - This concurrent resolution expresses support for issuance of bonds by the Highways and Transportation Commission to pay for construction and repair of 215 bridges on the state highway system, as selected by the Commission, not to exceed $301,000,000.

This resolution expresses approval for debt service to be paid from future appropriations by the General Assembly from the General Revenue Fund and expresses the intent to appropriate funds in the future in an amount sufficient to pay the debt service on the bonds.

The resolution authorizes and directs the Office of Administration, and other offices deemed appropriate by the Office of Administration, to assist the Commission in issuing the bonds, and to execute and deliver a financing agreement for payment of debt service on the bonds.

This resolution shall take effect upon acceptance by the Missouri Department of Transportation of a federal grant for road and bridge purposes.