Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Sifton

SB 25 - Modifies several provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 26 - Creates new campaign finance disclosure requirements
SB 27 - Provides for the expansion of MO HealthNet services beginning January 1, 2021
SB 93 - Increases penalties for the distribution of heroin
SB 94 - Applies the offense of unlawful possession of firearms to certain additional categories of individuals in possession of firearms
SB 95 - Modifies provisions relating to employee wages
SB 135 - Modifies provisions relating to property exempt from attachment and execution in bankruptcy proceedings
SB 136 - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling. Creates a procedure for certain persons who have had their samples collected to request expungement.
SB 137 - Specifies circumstances under which traffic court judges in St. Louis County may review driver's license revocation for refusal to submit to a chemical test
SB 148 - Requires certain disclosures to be made by entities entering into contracts with public entities
SB 153 - Authorizes roofing contractors in this state to register with the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration
SB 159 - Requires the Governor to appoint Administrative Hearing Commissioners that reflect the geographic diversity of the state
SB 212 - Modifies provisions relating to occupational diseases under workers' compensation laws
SB 432 - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program
SJR 16 - Modifies the process by which laws are approved by the General Assembly following action by the people
HB 448 - Designates the "Rep. Cloria Brown Memorial Highway"

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