Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Burlison

SB 62 - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions to recover damages for unlawful merchandising practices
SB 63 - Creates new provisions of law relating to labor organizations
SB 64 - Modifies provisions relating to sanctuary policies for municipalities
SB 120 - Specifies when persons operating or riding a motorcycle or motortricycle must wear protective headgear
SB 121 - Modifies provisions relating to the concealed carrying of firearms
SB 122 - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service
SB 144 - Adds call spoofing to the prohibited solicitations under the no-call list
SB 145 - Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 146 - Extends the sunset on the collection of certain fees credited to the Secretary of State's Technology Trust Fund
SB 314 - Prohibits institutions of higher learning from discriminating against a religious student organization
SB 315 - Prohibits political subdivisions from imposing any new occupational fees or licensing requirements on any profession if none have been imposed before August 28, 2019
SB 316 - Modifies provisions on permanent total disability benefits
SB 317 - Establishes the Silica Claims Priorities Act which prohibits a person from bringing a claim for injuries caused by silica unless certain evidence is presented
SB 318 - Establishes the Expanded Workforce Access Act of 2019
SB 328 - Modifies the administrative rulemaking process by state agencies
SB 329 - Modifies provisions to allow wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision
SB 347 - Enacts provisions relating to insurance holding companies
SB 367 - Creates additional protections to the right to bear arms
SB 374 - Modifies provisions regarding unlawful merchandising practices
SB 388 - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"
SB 389 - Modifies the definition of "public entity" to include employees of multistate compact agencies for purposes of sovereign immunity
SB 399 - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes on certain admission tickets
SB 400 - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses
SB 401 - Implements provisions relating to student data privacy, and establishes a student data privacy task force to study issues relating to student data privacy
SB 463 - Creates new provisions relating to public contracts
SB 464 - Modifies provisions relating to county regulation of county property
SB 465 - Modifies provisions relating to early childhood education programs
SB 498 - Provides that food containers shall not be deemed to be misleading, misbranded, or unfairly marketed if the container is filled to less than its capacity if certain criteria are present
SB 499 - Consolidates the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System into the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 500 - Permits an unlicensed person to provide a service for which state law otherwise requires an occupational license, provided such unlicensed person makes a nonlicensed disclosure
SCR 15 - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
SJR 10 - Places a cap on annual appropriations and reduces income tax rates based on revenue growth
SJR 11 - Modifies the initiative petition process
SJR 30 - Creates new constitutional provisions relating to labor organizations
HB 185 - Modifies provisions relating to the Amber Alert System
HB 186 - Modifies various provisions relating to civil actions, including venue, unlawful merchandising practices, joinder, punitive damages, statutes of limitations, and intervention
HB 250 - Allows wholesalers to employ persons 18 years of age to unload delivery vehicles and transfer liquor into retail premises with supervision
HB 301 - Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses
HB 472 - Modifies several provisions relating to professional registration

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