Senate Committee Substitute Committee Text on House Bills

HB 114 - Requires certain sexual offenders to be electronically monitored while relocating to a different county
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HB 239 - Modifies provisions relating to the offenses of trafficking drugs in the first and second degrees
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HB 242 - Modifies provisions related to coroners
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HB 283 - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
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HB 287 - Modifies provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations
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HB 338 - Creates a number of state designations
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HB 354 - Modifies provisions relating to the financial protection of vulnerable populations
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HB 374 - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax
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HB 445 - Prohibits lobbyists from giving gifts to local government officials, with an exception for group gifts
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HB 462 - Creates certified teacher externships
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HB 501 - Creates a number of official state designations
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HB 559 - Modifies provisions relating to working animals
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HB 568 - Authorizes political subdivisions to elect to cover certain positions as public safety personnel for purposes of retirement plans
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HB 575 - Modifies provisions relating to higher education
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HB 588 - Modifies the Plant Industries Division fees and requires periodic reviews of fees charged by the Department of Agriculture
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HB 674 - Authorizes certain cities to submit to the voters a transient guest tax
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HB 723 - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
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HB 739 - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
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HB 762 - Modifies provisions relating to local government
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HB 1206 - Modifies provisions relating to state parks
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