Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer Presents Arbitration Bill to Committee

Senator Tony Luetkemeyer Presents Arbitration Bill to Committee

JEFFERSON CITY —State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, R-Parkville, presented Senate Bill 154 to the Small Business and Industry Committee. This measure deals with arbitration agreements between employers and employees.

Senator Tony Luetkemeyer presents Senate Bill 154 to the Small Business and Industry Committee.

The bill codifies into law requirements that ensure fairness to both parties involved in an arbitration agreement and grants an arbitrator the ability to settle disputes, rather than requiring issues to go to a court. Arbitrators must be selected by mutual agreement of the employer and employee.

“This is a commonsense piece of legislation that will reduce burdens on our courts and taxpayers, cut down on the cost of expensive litigation and benefit both employers and employees by encouraging quick resolution of employment disputes,” Sen. Luetkemeyer said. “This is a measure that is strongly supported by the business community, and I’m proud to sponsor it.”

The measure will go before the full Senate, pending approval by the Small Business and Industry Committee.

For more information about Sen. Luetkemeyer, visit