As a Missouri Senator, I review a number of bills on numerous subjects. Last week, as I waited to present a bill to help foster
Author: General Admin
Sen. Gary Romine’s Capitol Update – Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018 Practical Solutions for Unique Challenges Moving forward in Missouri’s Education System Lawmakers discussed and debated Senate Bill 612 on the Missouri
Sen. Dave Schatz’s Column for Feb. 22, 2018
As we begin to look ahead to spring and warmer weather, it is also time to begin thinking about filing state and federal taxes. The
Missouri Senate Approves Utility Legislation
JEFFERSON CITY — State senators engaged in multiple days of debate over Senate Bill 564, a proposal to set a cap on how much utility
Senator Denny Hoskins Introduces Legislation Legalizing Sports Gambling in Missouri
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri State Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg and State Rep. Dean Plocher, R-St. Louis announced on Tuesday they will each file a
Sen. Curls’ Legislative Column for the Week of Feb. 19, 2018
Last week, I discussed the controversy surrounding Senate Bill 564, a proposal that would institute rate increase caps for public utilities in Missouri while altering the
Sen. Dan Hegeman’s Capitol Report for the Week of Feb. 19, 2018
Restoring the Missouri Rx Plan Under current law, the Missouri Rx Plan, established by the General Assembly to coordinate Missouri prescription drug assistance with Medicare
Equal Rights Amendment to Receive Legislative Hearing
***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Equal Rights Amendment to Receive Legislative Hearing Jefferson City —A legislative hearing on Senate Concurrent Resolution 41, sponsored by State Sen. Jill Schupp, D
Sen. Caleb Rowden’s Column for the Week of Feb. 12, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018 Senator Caleb Rowden’s Column for the Week of Feb. 12, 2018 As the 2018 legislative session continues, I would like to highlight
Sen. Gary Romine’s Capitol Update – Feb. 16, 2018
Feb. 15, 2018 Governmental Accountability in Utilities Legislation and Gubernatorial Appointments Last week I participated in a 24-hour filibuster over Senate Bill 564, and