Weekly Column for May 9, 2019
We hear about highway workers and emergency responders who are injured or killed while doing their jobs on Missouri roadways far too often. Unfortunately, this issue has even struck our community. Worse, those responsible for these tragedies are often not held accountable for their actions. This is the reason why I’ve agreed to handle House Bill 499 in the Missouri Senate.

House Bill 499 gives the director of the Department of Revenue the ability to revoke an individual’s driver’s license if the individual was involved in a physical accident with a highway worker in a designated construction or work zone. As we’ve seen before, there are times when local prosecutors do not charge those responsible for these incidents, and this legislation puts another mechanism in place to help victims seek justice.
An individual whose license is revoked can have it reinstated by passing the written and driving portions of the driver’s license examination. If they choose this option and pass the required tests, their license is immediately reinstated. The individual also has the ability to petition for a hearing before the circuit or associate division of the court in the county where the incident occurred. While waiting for their day in court, the license holder also has the ability to petition the court to issue a stay until the case can be heard.
Another component of HB 499 that I’m very passionate about is the repeal of the burdensome motor vehicle emissions inspections that many of us are forced to endure. These inspections are required by the Gateway Vehicle Inspection Program and are an effort to make our state compliant with the Federal Clean Air Act. However, these inspections are unnecessary for the citizens of our district. Established by the EPA, our district has met the standards put in place for areas in the “nonattainment area.” Therefore, there is no reason to continue burdening the citizens of our community with this requirement.
Forcing citizens who purchase brand new vehicles to pay for an emissions test is wrong, and beyond that, I believe these inspections amount to a tax on the poor who may not be able to afford newer vehicles that meet emissions standards. These citizens are then forced to spend a large amount of money in an attempt to “fix” their emissions problem. This regulation is just one more burden on the residents of our community, and it’s time we remove it.
As we begin to enter the final week of the legislative session, the Senate will continue working on legislation that reduces burdensome regulations and aims to make state government more efficient.
It is an honor to serve you in the Missouri Senate. Please do not hesitate to contact my office at (573) 751-3678 or by email at dave.schatz@senate.mo.gov if you have any questions.