Senator Crawford’s Capitol Report, for the Week of Jan. 7

It is a new year, and this also means lawmakers have returned to Jefferson City for the start of another legislative session. For me, this is the beginning of my second full year as a Missouri senator. It is a pleasure to serve the people of the 28th Senatorial District.

The first week of session was largely ceremonial, with nine new senators taking the oath of office. It also makes for a great opportunity to not only get to know my fellow senators, but also to reacquaint myself with everybody at the Capitol, which will serve as my “home away from home” for the next four months.

This week, we will receive our committee assignments for the legislative session. Once committees are set, we will begin the process of discussing and debating the merits of bills and proposals in committee. I will be telling you more about the bills I have filed in future columns. In addition, we also must pass a balanced budget for the next fiscal year before we adjourn in May.

It is great to be back in Jefferson City, and I look forward to another year of representing you at the Capitol.

I am honored to serve as your senator in the Missouri Senate. If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at (573) 751-8793 or

2019 Swearing-in Ceremony and Legislative Ball

Senator Crawford’s swearing-in on Jan. 9, 2019

Senator Crawford with her family at the Legislative Ball.
Dr. Tama Franklin, Mike Grose, Sen. Crawford, Brannin Leich, John Crawford and Aaron Grose

Ronda Stewart (Polk Co.), former Rep. Sue Entlicher (Polk Co.), Sen. Crawford and Brenda Beaty (Cedar Co.)

Donna Balke, Sen. Crawford and Herman Balke (Laclede Co)

Rebecca Lohr, Sen. Crawford and Karla Sutton (Laclede Co.)

Greg and Lucas Tyre, Sen. Crawford and Wanda Tyre (Laclede Co.)

Jeff and Terry Barclay (Dallas Co.) and Sen. Crawford

Wayne Randleman, Jeff Buckley (Dallas Co.) and Sen. Crawford

Megan Page, Sen. Crawford and Jeffrey Page (Pettis Co.)

John Crawford, Sen. Crawford and Israel Baeza (Pettis Co.)

The Lentos and Sen. Crawford (Dallas Co.)