- SB 788 - Schupp - Establishes the "Postpartum Depression Care Act"
LR: 3268S.02I
- 12/16/2019 -- Prefiled
- SB 789 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to campaign finance disclosure
LR: 3271S.02I
- 12/16/2019 -- Prefiled
- SB 790 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"
LR: 3266S.02I
- 12/16/2019 -- Prefiled
- SB 791 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the issuance of local bonds
LR: 3483S.02I
- 12/16/2019 -- Prefiled
- SB 792 - Eigel - Establishes the Protect Children from Pornography Act
LR: 3940S.01I
- 12/16/2019 -- Prefiled