Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/SB 617 - Current law requires certain emergency health care entities and other organizations to maintain epinephrine auto-injector devices (epi-pens) according to the rules and regulations of the Department of Health and Senior Services.

Under this act, the Department of Health and Senior Services shall provide epi-pens for adult patients to fire protection districts in nonmetropolitan areas of Missouri.

Possession and use of epi-pens under this act is limited to only such qualified first responders who have completed a training course and maintain the epi-pens pursuant to Department rules. Additionally, every use of an epi-pen shall be reported to a emergency health care provider.

Under this act, the use of an epi-pen is considered first aid or emergency treatment for purposes of liability under the law and shall not constitute the unlawful practice of medicine. Any person that violates the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.

This act established the "Epinephrine Auto-injector Devices for Fire Personnel Fund". The Fund shall be used solely by the Department for the purpose of providing epi-pens to qualified first responder agencies pursuant to this act.


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