
SB 900 - This act specifies that insurers and insurance producers may provide products or services in conjunction with a policy of property and casualty insurance for free, at a discount, or at market value, if the products or services are intended to prevent or mitigate loss, provide loss control, reduce rates or claims, educate about risk of loss, monitor or assess risk, identify sources of risk, develop strategies for the elimination or reduction of risk, or provide post-loss services. (Section 379.402.1)

Insurers or producers of insurance may offer gifts, goods, or merchandise that contain advertising or promotion of the insurer or producer to policyholders, prospective policyholders, and members of the public. (Section 379.402.2)

Products or services provided as specified in this act shall not be considered an inducement to insurance, a rebate, nor any other impermissible consideration prohibited by law. The products or services described in this act shall not be required to be included in the contract or policy form filings. (Section 379.402.3)

The Director of the Department of Commerce and Insurance may promulgate rules to exempt, but not restrict, additional categories of products or services with regard to the prohibitions against inducements to insurance. (Section 379.402.4)

The act also exempts commercial property and casualty insurers from the prohibitions against inducements to insurance, except with regard to any producer commission reduction not included in the insurer's rate filings. (Section 376.404)

This act is identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SB 551 (2020) and to provisions in HCS/HB 1634 & 2085 (2020).


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