SCS/SB 557 - Current law allows the Missouri Gaming Commission to enter into agreements with various federal, state, and local agencies to carry out the duties of the Commission. This act also allows the Commission to enter into agreements with such agencies for investigations relating to and the enforcement of criminal provisions relating to illegal gambling.
This act requires the Gaming Commission to establish a telephone contact number, which shall be prominently displayed on the Commission's website, to receive reports of suspected illegal gambling activity. The Commission shall initiate an investigation upon receiving such report. If the Commission finds sufficient evidence of illegal gambling, it shall refer such violation to the prosecuting attorney. Upon the request of the prosecuting attorney, the Attorney General may aid such prosecuting attorney in prosecuting violations referred by the Commission.
Any person or establishment licensed under current law relating to gaming that is convicted of or pleads guilty to illegal gambling, and any affiliated company of such person or establishment, shall be permanently prohibited from being licensed to participate in any way in a program implementing video lottery gaming terminals should such a program be implemented in this state. (Section 313.004)
This act also allows the supervisor of liquor control to refer to the Commission any suspected illegal gambling activity being conducted on the premises of a location licensed under the Liquor Control Law. (Section 311.660)
Current law allows a sheriff, peace officer, or eight or more citizens of a county or city to bring an action in circuit court to initiate proceedings to suspend or revoke a license issued under the Liquor Control Law as a result of certain offenses committed by a licensee. This act adds permitting illegal gambling devices on the licensed premises of a licensee to such list of offenses. (Section 311.710)
This act provides that any conviction in this state for illegal gambling activity involving an illegal gambling device shall result in the automatic and permanent revocation of a license issued under the Liquor Control Law, as well as any lottery game retailer license. (Sections 311.720 and 313.255)
This act modifies the definitions of "gambling device" and "slot machine" for the purposes of provisions of law relating to the prosecution of illegal gambling. (Section 572.010)
This act contains an emergency clause.
This act is identical to SCS/SB 530 (2020) and is substantially similar to SCS/SB 431 (2019) and to provisions contained in HCS/HB 2088 (2020), HB 2585 (2020), and SS#3/SCS/SB 44 (2019).