SB 687
Reduces the penalty for certain traffic violations
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/30/2020 - Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2020

Current Bill Summary

SB 687 - This act reduces the penalty for certain traffic violations to an infraction. The act also provides that no court shall issue a warrant for failure to appear for any violation classified as an infraction. (Section 304.009.3). Violations reduced to infractions under the act include:

• Exceeding the posted speed limit, formerly a Class C misdemeanor, except that the penalty for exceeding the posted speed limit by 20 miles per hour or more is reduced from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.010);

• Operating a vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede traffic, with certain exceptions, formerly an unspecified misdemeanor. (Section 304.011.1);

• Operating a vehicle at a speed less than 40 miles per hour on an interstate, formerly a class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.011.2-3);

• Unlawful operation of an all-terrain or off-road vehicle, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.013);

• Failure to park or drive on the right-hand side of a road or highway as required by law, currently a Class C misdemeanor, except that the penalty when a violation of this provision causes an immediate threat of an accident is reduced from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class C misdemeanor, and the penalty when the violation results in an accident is reduced from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class B misdemeanor. (Section 304.015);

• Failure to pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction on the left of that vehicle, at a reasonable distance, and under safe conditions as specified by law, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.016);

• Following behind another vehicle closer than is reasonably safe and prudent, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.017);

• Failure to turn or decrease the speed of a vehicle only when safe to do so, or to give an appropriate signal, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.019);

• Unlawful passing of a streetcar stopped to take in or discharge passengers, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.023);

• Use of a traffic signal preemption system to control traffic by an unauthorized person, formerly a Class B misdemeanor. (Section 304.031);

• Unlawful operation of a utility vehicle, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.032);

• Failure to proceed with caution or stop at a railroad crossing as required by law, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.035);

• Failure of certain vehicles, trucks, or buses to stop at a railroad crossing as required by law, formerly an unspecified misdemeanor. (Section 304.040);

• Any bus or truck following within 300 feet of another such vehicle, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.044);

• Display of signs indicating a vehicle is a school bus when it is not being used for the transportation of school children, formerly a class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.075);

• Failure to properly yield to a person with a disability using a cane or a guide dog, formerly an unspecified misdemeanor. (Section 304.110);

• Failure to make reasonable efforts to clear away sharp objects dropped onto a highway, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.160);

• Failure to obey official traffic control devices or signals, or to yield as required thereby, formerly Class C misdemeanors. (Sections 304.271, 304.281, and 304.301);

• Failure to comply with requirements for making certain turns, or making a prohibited turn, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.341);

• Failure to yield the right-of-way as required by law at an intersection where there is not a form of traffic control other than stop or yield signs, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.351);

• Failure to obey instructions of an official traffic control device, for which no other penalty is specified, formerly an unspecified misdemeanor. (Section 304.361);

• Transportation of hazardous materials through a highway tunnel of at least 100 yards, or parking a vehicle containing hazardous materials within 300 feet of a highway tunnel, except as provided by federal law, formerly a Class B misdemeanor, except that the penalty for a second or subsequent violation of this provision is reduced from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class B misdemeanor. (Section 304.373);

• Violation of applicable vehicle equipment regulations for which no other penalty is specified, formerly an unspecified misdemeanor. (Section 304.570);

• Failure to leave a safe distance when passing a bicycle and an accident is involved, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.678); and

• Overtaking or passing another vehicle within an active emergency zone, formerly a Class C misdemeanor. (Section 304.892).

This act is similar to HB 1546 (2020).



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