The Missouri Senate Minute for Jan. 6: Session Preview – Public Safety

Only two days remain until the start of the 2020 legislative session. When you get into individual issues for this year, they can vary, depending on the senator. Missouri Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz of Sullivan believes public safety is a hot topic…

“We’ll be looking at some of that,” Sen. Schatz said. “And, so, again — in the very capable hands, committee has been studying some things in public safety. And, so, we’ll be working on that and making sure that we provide for a safe environment here in the state of Missouri.”

An interim committee heard from dozens of Missourians about public safety and gun safety issues late last year. Missouri Senate Minority Floor Leader Gina Walsh of Bellefontaine Neighbors agrees on the importance…

“And, not even control, just sensible gun laws. And, PDMP [Prescription Drug-Monitoring Program],” Sen. Walsh said. “We still have a huge problem with opioids in this state.”

The Second Regular Session of the 100th General Assembly will officially begin at noon on Wednesday. The first committee hearings of the new year could start at any time.
