General Assembly Passes Budget Amid Economic Difficulties

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri General Assembly passed a $35 billion budget that fully funds K-12 public education and maintains essential social service programs, despite shortfalls in general revenue, reports State Sen. Denny Hoskins, R-Warrensburg. The Fiscal Year 2021 state operating budget includes more than $14 billion in federal funds, much of it tied to COVID-19 relief efforts.

“With state revenue plummeting due to the coronavirus, the Legislature had many difficult decisions to make to balance the budget,” Sen. Hoskins said. “Whenever possible, I supported budget cuts that would have minimal impact on most Missourians, while still preserving funding for education, senior services and other vital programs.”

A member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sen. Hoskins was heavily involved in crafting the budget and led an effort to identify cost savings in government payroll. Sen. Hoskins’ review resulted in the elimination of a number of long-unfilled positions, including more than 30 vacant jobs at the Department of Transportation alone.

The budget for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education survived the budget process without significant reductions. Spending on education will actually increase in 2021, as the School Foundation Formula is fully funded and increased federal resources are directed toward distancing learning technology and off-campus meal programs. The Department of Agriculture also received increased funding, with $20 million set aside to assist food processing facilities.

A $1.1 million appropriation for the University of Central Missouri’s aviation training facility at Skyhaven Airport was also approved as part of the Department of Transportation’s budget. The funding will supplement more than $2 million of private funding pledged for a new terminal and training center.

“Budget negotiators in both the Senate and House of Representatives took a pragmatic, yet optimistic approach to next year’s budget. We recognized the reality of our current situation while holding fast to our core mission of ensuring taxpayer money is spent wisely,” Sen. Hoskins said. “I’m confident we did the best we could with the information we had at this time.  We will continue to closely monitor the revenue situation, and we’re prepared to return to Jefferson City, if necessary.”

For information about Sen. Hoskins, please visit his official Missouri Senate website: