Governor Grants Yellow Light to Reopen the State
The Show-Me State entered Phase II of its recovery response to COVID-19 by lifting its statewide health restrictions and officially reopening on Tuesday, June 16. Municipal and county authorities may still enforce their own local guidelines in response to the virus. Even though businesses have been given the green light to operate, I urge everyone to proceed with caution in the coming months to prevent another outbreak and protect yourselves from exposure to the virus. Local business owners are ready to welcome patrons, so please support the wonderful shops and restaurants in our communities to help them recover from the lost earnings caused by pandemic-induced closures.
The Missouri State Museum, located on the first floor of the Capitol, has also reopened. If the situation surrounding the virus continues to improve, there is the possibility that museum staff may resume guided tours in July. Please call the museum staff at (573) 751-2854 before coming to the Capitol to see if reservations are being taken for tours. I encourage you to visit the Capitol, both the museum and the grounds, to witness the history, art and stories that make our state beautifully unique.
Proud to be an American? Register to Vote!
2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment, granting African-American men voting rights, and 100 years ago, women’s suffrage passed with the 19th Amendment. Please respect those who tirelessly fought for this right and register to vote! It only takes a few minutes to complete the process online. The registration deadline for the August primary election is July 8, and October 7 is the last day to register for the general election.
Social Distancing at the Ballot Box
Although the statewide public health restrictions ended Tuesday, experts are still stressing the importance of practicing social distancing and using common sense. Lawmakers passed and the governor signed Senate Bill 631 into law to expand safeguards and provide alternatives for voters for the upcoming elections. This infographic from the secretary of state’s office provides a good overview of the new law.
Beginning June 22, Missourians will be able to apply for a new driver’s license designed to honor our upcoming bicentennial, prevent fraud, deter identity theft and assist law enforcement officers and retailers. Current licenses are valid through the expiration date listed on the card, and residents have the option to apply for a compliant, REAL ID card if they choose.
Flag Day Celebration at the Joplin Elks Lodge
I am grateful to see my calendar fill with community events, celebrations and observances as more businesses and organizations return to normal. This week began with a speaking engagement at the Joplin Elks Lodge to commemorate Flag Day on June 14. I explained to the attendees, “Our flag is a symbol of our unity in the cause of a higher calling, of creating a nation founded in freedom and justice,” and added, “under our flag we acknowledge our shortcomings, discuss, debate, change and try again to further our cause of freedom and justice.” America is still a work in progress, and that is one of the attributes that I believe makes it such a great country.

Annual Art Contest Winners Showcased in Senate Entrance
Each year, I have the fun, yet daunting task of selecting district-wide art winners for the annual contest hosted by the Missouri Art Education Association. The selected entries are framed and displayed in the Senate entrance to the Capitol. The scheduled, in-person celebration in March at the Rotunda had to be cancelled, so I want to congratulate these young, talented artists from the 32nd Senatorial District!

A Spoonful of History Now Available to Pre-order
The People’s House is celebrating its sesquicentennial by publishing “a culinary tour of Missouri and our Governor’s Mansion,” and books may be pre-ordered on the Missouri Mansion website for $40.00 plus $8 for shipping. Proceeds will help the Mansion’s preservation efforts. One of its recipes was submitted by my mother-in-law, Peg Nichols. She is a native Missourian who has a direct line ancestor named Missouri Jane who lived in Dade County. This delicious cornbread recipe is certain to be a crowd favorite at your next family get-together.
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads and positive male role models in our tri-county area. Being a father is one of the most difficult and fulfilling jobs, so I hope you will take a few hours to relax, appreciate your family and enjoy the final days of spring.
If you have an item that would interest or benefit the residents of our community, please contact me.
Annual Art Contest Winners Showcased in Senate Entrance
Each year, I have the fun, yet daunting task of selecting district-wide art winners for the annual contest hosted by the Missouri Art Education Association. The selected entries are framed and displayed in the Senate entrance to the Capitol. The scheduled, in-person celebration in March at the Rotunda had to be cancelled, so I want to congratulate these young, talented artists from the 32nd Senatorial District!