Witness Protection Bill Advanced by Senator Tony Luetkemeyer Signed into Law

JEFFERSON CITY —State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, R-Parkville, was proud to stand alongside Missouri’s governor as he put his signature to legislation creating a pretrial witness protection fund during a signing ceremony held at Lodge #99 of the Kansas City Fraternal Order of Police. Senator Luetkemeyer shepherded the measure across the legislative finish line in the upper chamber during an extra legislative session that concluded Sept. 16.

Senator Tony Luetkemeyer looks on as legislation creating a pretrial witness protection fund is signed into law.

Similar to legislation Sen. Luetkemeyer introduced early in 2020, House Bill 66 will enable law enforcement agencies to provide pretrial security for witnesses or potential witnesses in criminal proceedings. The bill is one of two crime-control measures passed during the extraordinary legislative session called by the governor.

“One of the greatest challenges prosecutors face is witness intimidation. It’s extremely difficult to obtain convictions when witnesses are afraid for their safety,” Sen. Luetkemeyer says. “This legislation will give law enforcement the resources they need to provide for the security of witnesses and ensure those with information about violent crimes are willing to come forward. In this current environment, it’s essential that we provide all the tools we can to law enforcement to reestablish law and order in our state.”

For more information about Sen. Luetkemeyer, visit www.senate.mo.gov/luetkemeyer.