SB 285
Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by law or regulation
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/4/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2021

Current Bill Summary

SB 285 - Under this act, any school intervention team, which shall mean a group of persons representing certain schools as set forth in the act, may submit a state innovation waiver plan to the State Board of Education for certain purposes, including improving student readiness for employment, higher education, vocational training, technical training, or any other form of career and job training, increasing the compensation of teachers, or improving the recruitment, retention, training, preparation, or professional development of teachers.

A school innovation waiver shall mean a waiver granted by the State Board to certain schools, set forth in the act, in which such schools are exempt from a specific requirement imposed by current law, or any regulations promulgated by the State Board or the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Any school innovation waiver granted to a school district or group of school districts shall be applicable to every elementary and secondary school within the school district or group of school districts unless the plan specifically provides otherwise.

Any plan for a school innovation waiver shall include certain information, including the specific provision of law for which a waiver is being requested, and an explanation for why such provision of law inhibits the ability of the school or school district to accomplish the goal stated in the plan. The plan shall also demonstrate that the intent of the law can be addressed in a more effective, efficient, or economical manner and that the waiver or modification is necessary to implement the plan.

In evaluating a plan submitted by a school innovation team, the State Board shall consider whether the plan meets certain criteria set forth in the act. The State Board may propose modifications to the plan in cooperation with the school innovation team.

Any waiver granted under this act shall be effective for no longer than three school years, but school innovation waivers may be renewed. No more than one school innovation waiver shall be in effect with respect to any one elementary or secondary school at one time.

The State Board shall not authorize the waiver of any statutory requirements relating to teacher certification, teacher tenure, or any requirement imposed by federal law.

This act is identical to a provision in SB 265 (2021) and is substantially similar to SB 830 (2020) and HB 2174 (2020).



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