SB 322
Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/4/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Health and Pensions Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2021

Current Bill Summary

SB 322 - Under this act, the practice of dentistry shall include the prescription and administration of vaccines.

The authorizes a dentist to prescribe and administer vaccines to a person with whom the dentist has established a patient relationship or during an emergency for which the physician has been deployed by the Governor or a state agency. The Board shall recognize one or more training courses on the storage, prescription, and administration of vaccines, as described in the act. A dentist prescribing and administering vaccines shall obtain a certificate of successful completion of such a training course.

The dentist shall inform the patient that the administration of the vaccine will be entered into the ShowMeVax system administered by the Department of Health and Senior Services. The patient shall sign a form provided by the dentist consenting to the inclusion of such information into the system. If the patient does not want such information shared in the ShowMeVax system, the dentist shall provide a written report within 14 days of administration of the vaccine to a patient's primary care provider, if provided by the patient.

Dentists shall also be required to review the patient's vaccination history in the ShowMeVax system, prior to administering a vaccine, and comply with all applicable recordkeeping requirements.

A dentist shall not delegate the administration of a vaccine.

This act is similar to provisions in HCS/SB 9 (2021) and HCS/SB 330 (2021).



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