SB 395
Creates provisions relating to non-emergency medical examinations of inmates
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/11/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2021

Current Bill Summary

SB 395 - This act provides that any inmate who receives an on-site, non-emergency medical examination or treatment from the correctional center's medical personnel shall be assessed a charge of 50 cents per visit for the medical examination or treatment.

Inmates shall be charged a co-pay fee except for the following:

• Health care services based on referral;

• Staff-approved follow-up treatment for chronic illnesses;

• Preventive health care;

• Emergency services;

• Prenatal care;

• Diagnosis or treatment of chronic infectious diseases;

• Mental health care; or

• Substance abuse treatment.

This act provides that inmates without funds shall not be charged, provided they are considered to be indigent and unable to pay the health care services fee.

This act is identical to provisions in SS/SCS/SB 212 (2021), SS/SCS/HCS/HB 59 (2021), SCS/HB 352 (2021), and SS/SB 128 (2021) and substantially similar to HB 1476 (2018).



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