Senate Action for 12/4/2020

SB 264 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs
   LR: 1158S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 265 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions related to workforce development in elementary and secondary education
   LR: 0710S.02I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 266 - Mosley - Modifies process for rejecting absentee ballots
   LR: 0730S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 267 - Mosley - Creates new provisions establishing county commission district political party committees
   LR: 0547S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 268 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of appeals
   LR: 0536S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 269 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly
   LR: 0537S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 270 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments
   LR: 0557S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 271 - Mosley - Creates and repeals certain public holidays
   LR: 0725S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 272 - Mosley - Prohibits the publishing of identifying information of lottery winners
   LR: 0589S.04P    SCS SB 272
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 273 - Mosley - Requires certain financing entities to remit motor vehicle sales tax on behalf of the purchaser
   LR: 0590S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 274 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody
   LR: 0532S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 275 - Mosley - Requires appropriation of transition funds for newly elected members of the General Assembly
   LR: 1003S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 276 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts
   LR: 0568S.03I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 277 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts
   LR: 0697S.03I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 278 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles
   LR: 0611S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SB 279 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to street light maintenance districts
   LR: 0612S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled

SJR 22 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers
   LR: 0567S.01I    
12/4/2020 -- Prefiled