- SB 1 - Hegeman - Extends the sunset on certain health care provider federal reimbursement allowances
LR: 0544S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- SS S offered (Hegeman)--(0544S.04F)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Wieland)--(0544S04.08S)
- 3/23/2021 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 37 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
LR: 0772S.04S CCS SB 37
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted H Agriculture Policy
- SB 38 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to transportation
LR: 0965H.04C HCS SB 38
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted H Emerging Issues
- SB 53 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of justice
LR: 0461S.12T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 53 & 60
- 3/23/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered (Luetkemeyer)--(0461S.06F)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Riddle)--(0461S02.07S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Luetkemeyer)--(0461S06.18S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (May)--(0461S06.17S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Razer)--(0461S06.10S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered (Washington)--(0461S06.20S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SSA 1 for SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Luetkemeyer)--(0461S06.26S)
- 3/23/2021 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 3/23/2021 -- Perfected
- SB 54 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions related to literacy and reading instruction
LR: 0884S.03C SCS SB 54
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Education Committee (0884S.03C)
- SB 76 - Beck - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop and public school districts to adopt policies providing for accommodations for nursing mothers
LR: 0743S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 85 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to low-income housing tax credits
LR: 0834S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
- SB 110 - Cierpiot - Prohibits tax credits for the construction or rehabilitation of residences located in certain distressed areas after August 28, 2021
LR: 0478S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
- SB 119 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
LR: 0036H.05C HCS SCS SB 119
- 3/23/2021 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 148 - Onder - Creates new provisions relating to worker classification
LR: 0265S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee (0265S.03C)
- SB 180 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to the adoption and review of administrative rules by state agencies
LR: 0475S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee (0475S.03C)
- SB 188 - Beck - Establishes a tax credit for grocery stores in a food desert
LR: 0522S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 189 - Washington - Creates a Negro Leagues Baseball Museum special license plate
LR: 1129S.01T
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 203 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of a moving violation to a non-moving violation for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits
LR: 0159S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 215 - Hough - Repeals provisions authorizing regional economic development districts
LR: 0789S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
- SB 227 - Arthur - Allows, rather than requires, the Department of Economic Development to recapture certain tax incentives
LR: 0545S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Removed S Consent Calendar
- SB 231 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
LR: 1094S.01P
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 259 - O'Laughlin - Provides that recovery high schools may be operated for students in recovery from substance use disorder or dependency
LR: 1083S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Education Committee
- SB 265 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions related to workforce development in elementary and secondary education
LR: 0710S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Education Committee
- SB 272 - Mosley - Prohibits the publishing of identifying information of lottery winners
LR: 0589S.04P SCS SB 272
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 283 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to liquor sales
LR: 1140H.06C HCS SS SB 283
- 3/23/2021 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SB 323 - May - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 1585H.02C HCS SB 323
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 383 - Moon - Repeals the Missouri State Archives-St. Louis Trust Fund
LR: 1372S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SB 387 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to the towing of commercial vehicles
LR: 1804S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee (1804S.03C)
- SB 390 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies the boundaries of certain community college districts
LR: 1813S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 394 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to the acquisition of land by the U.S. government
LR: 1128S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 408 - Wieland - Modifies legal notice requirements relating to unclaimed property
LR: 1945S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SB 418 - Crawford - Extends the sunset on the rolling stock tax credit
LR: 1954S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 437 - Hoskins - Repeals provisions authorizing regional economic development districts
LR: 2081S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee
- SB 453 - Burlison - Establishes the Stop Socialism Act which creates a cause of action against a public body that offers a competitive service to the economic detriment of a person offering the same competitive service
LR: 1312S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee
- SB 461 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits for the care of certain children
LR: 1993S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 465 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act
LR: 2148S.02C SCS SB 465
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee (2148S.02C)
- SB 466 - Hoskins - Modifies the membership of the Missouri Housing Development Commission and Missouri Development Finance Board
LR: 2152S.03C SCS SB 466
- 3/23/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development Committee (2152S.03C)
- SB 475 - Bean - Repeals certain requirements for the associations eligible to be issued policies of group health insurance
LR: 2243S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 488 - May - Establishes the Economic Distress Zone Fund
LR: 2276S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 492 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers
LR: 2367S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 494 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to the placement of veteran designations on driver's licenses and identification cards
LR: 2344S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 500 - Schupp - Establishes the Affordable Child Care for Families Tax Credit Act
LR: 2335S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 501 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the licensure of insurance producers
LR: 2237S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Insurance and Banking Committee
- SB 510 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the salary of county sheriffs
LR: 2412S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 533 - Rehder - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Cape Girardeau County as "Rush Limbaugh Memorial Highway"
LR: 2542S.02I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Cancelled S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 545 - Williams - Reauthorizes a tax credit for certain research expenses
LR: 2661S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 551 - May - Creates provisions relating to mental health programs for law enforcement officers
LR: 2650S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- SB 554 - Eigel - Creates the 2021 Federal Economic Stimulus Fund
LR: 2675S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development Committee
- SB 556 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Economic Development
LR: 2690S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Economic Development Committee
- SB 626 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax
LR: 2736S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SCR 4 - Burlison - Calls for an Article V convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution placing limits on the federal government
LR: 0062S.02T SCR 4
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 9 - Moon - Expresses support for actions taken to end motorcycle profiling
LR: 1985S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 15 - Bernskoetter - Establishes June as "Scoliosis Awareness Month" in Missouri
LR: 2751S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SCR 16 - Schatz - Urges President Joe Biden and administration officials to approve the TC Energy Keystone XL pipeline
LR: 1958S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- 3/23/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
- SJR 15 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to the right to bear arms
LR: 1026S.01I
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
- HB 349 - Christofanelli - Establishes the "Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program"
LR: 0711H.03T HCS HB 349
- 3/23/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- HB 432 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to protection of vulnerable persons
LR: 1150S.06T SS SCS HS HB 432
- 3/23/2021 -- S First Read