- SB 9 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of certain professions
LR: 0360S.04S CCS SB 9
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Professional Registration and Licensing
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 22 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 0787S.05S CCS SS SB 22
- 4/28/2021 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 26 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to public safety
LR: 0828S.07T CCS#2 HCS SS#2 SB 26
- 4/28/2021 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 27 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
LR: 0469H.05C HCS SS SCS SB 27
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted H Downsizing State Government
- SB 29 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to insurance
LR: 0832H.02C HCS SB 29
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Insurance
- SB 36 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act
LR: 0773S.01T
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 37 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
LR: 0772S.04S CCS SB 37
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 1 H offered & adopted (Sharpe-4)--(0772S01.04H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 2 H offered & adopted (Haffner)--(0772S01.07H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 3 H offered & adopted (Francis)--(0772S01.12H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 4 H offered & adopted (Sharpe-4)--(0772S01.03H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 5 H offered & adopted (Mackey)--(0772S01.11H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 6 H offered (Rone)--(0772S01.14H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 1 to HA 6 H offered & defeated (Collins)--(0772S01.17H)
- 4/28/2021 -- HA 6 H adopted--(0772S01.14H)
- 4/28/2021 -- H Third Read and Passed, as amended
- SB 38 - Bernskoetter - Enacts provisions relating to transportation
LR: 0965H.04C HCS SB 38
- 4/28/2021 -- Executive Session continued - Action postponed
- SB 43 - White - Enacts provisions relating to hearing aids covered by health benefit plans
LR: 1030S.03P SS SCS SB 43
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Health and Mental Health Policy
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 45 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to certain firefighters who contracted certain types of cancer as a result of employment as a firefighter
LR: 0356S.06T SS SB 45
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 46 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to transportation
LR: 1071H.05C HCS SS SB 46
- 4/28/2021 -- Executive Session continued - Action postponed
- SB 49 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to public safety
LR: 0323H.04T HCS SCS SB 49
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 53 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of justice
LR: 0461S.12T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 53 & 60
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Judiciary
- SB 64 - Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care
LR: 0506S.08S CCS#2 HCS SS SB 64
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 71 - Gannon - Modifies several provisions relating to civil proceedings
LR: 1081H.05T HCS SS SCS SB 71
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 72 - Eslinger - Creates a number of state designations, memorial highways, and the Missouri Medal of Honor Recipients Fund
LR: 0658S.03T CCS HCS SB 72
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 78 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to certain state employees
LR: 0521S.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 86 - Hegeman - Creates new provisions prohibiting the use of public funds to influence elections
LR: 0831S.04T CCS SB 86
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Elementary and Secondary Education
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 89 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to transportation
LR: 1040H.06C HCS SS SB 89
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Transportation
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 120 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
LR: 0943S.06T SS SCS SB 120
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 152 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions related to education
LR: 0849H.06C HCS SS SCS SB 152
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Elementary and Secondary Education
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 153 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 0752S.13T CCS HCS SS SCS SBs 153 & 97
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review
- SB 157 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to income tax exemptions for certain retirement benefits
LR: 0976S.01I
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Health and Pensions Committee
- SB 176 - Hough - Enacts provisions relating to emerging technologies
LR: 1068H.03T HCS SS SB 176
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 202 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to electrical corporations
LR: 0822S.10P HCS SS#2 SCS SB 202
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported from S Governmental Oversight and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 226 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 0991S.05T CCS HCS SB 226
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Fiscal Review Committee
- SB 272 - Mosley - Prohibits the publishing of identifying information of lottery winners
LR: 0589S.04P SCS SB 272
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 289 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer licensure
LR: 1321H.08F HS HCS SS SCS SB 289
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Government Accountability
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SB 323 - May - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 1585H.02C HCS SB 323
- 4/28/2021 -- H First Read
- SB 327 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to child protection
LR: 1595H.10C HCS#2 SS SB 327
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 330 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 1247H.03C HCS SB 330
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Professional Registration and Licensing
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 333 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to nonprofit organizations
LR: 1579S.05S CCS HCS SS SB 333
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 365 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to taxation
LR: 1725H.05C HCS SB 365
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Fiscal Review Committee
- SB 403 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to health care
LR: 1874H.04C HCS SCS SB 403
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 457 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to child care
LR: 1982H.03C HCS SCS SB 457
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Emerging Issues
- SB 520 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the designation of memorial infrastructure
LR: 2568S.06T CCS HS HCS SCS SB 520
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Rules - Legislative Oversight
- SB 608 - Razer - Modifies provisions related to the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System
LR: 2750S.01I
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- SCR 3 - Roberts - Condemns the Missouri Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision
LR: 1447S.03C SCS SCR 3
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported Do Pass H Rules - Administrative Oversight
- SCR 6 - Moon - Urges the United States Congress to resist any attempt to increase the number of Justices on the United States Supreme Court
LR: 2059S.01I
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted H Judiciary
- HB 1 - Smith - Appropriates money for the payment of public debt
LR: 0001H.02T HCS HB 1
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 4/28/2021 -- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed
- HB 2 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(0002S.05F)
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 3 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Hegeman)--(0003S.05F)
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 4 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Departments of Revenue and Transportation
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hegeman)--(0004S.05F)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & ruled out of order (Onder)--(0004S05.04S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered (Onder)--(0004S05.06S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SSA 1 for SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Onder)--(0004S05.07S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S defeated
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 5 - Smith - Appropriations money for the Office of Administration
LR: 0005H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 5
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 6 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Departments of Agriculture; Natural Resources; and Conservation
LR: 0006H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 6
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 7 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Departments of Economic Development; Commerce and Insurance; and Industrial Relations
LR: 0007H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 7
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 8 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Department of Public Safety
LR: 0008H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 8
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 9 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Department of Corrections
LR: 0009H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 9
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 10 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Departments of Mental Health and Health
LR: 0010H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 10
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hegeman)--(0010S.05F)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(0010S05.03S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Rizzo)--(0010S05.02S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 11 - Smith - Appropriates money for the Department of Social Services
LR: 0011H.06T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 11
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S offered (Hegeman)--(0011S.05F)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Rizzo)--(0011S05.01S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Rizzo)--(0011S05.02S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 4/28/2021 -- SS for SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 12 - Smith - Appropriates money for elected officials including the General Assembly, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, and Attorney General
LR: 0012H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 12
- 4/28/2021 -- SA 1 to SCS S offered & defeated (Koenig)--(0012S04.02S)
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 15 - Smith - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes
LR: 0015H.05T CCS SCS HCS HB 15
- 4/28/2021 -- H refuses to concur in SCS and requests S recede or grant conference
- HB 17 - Smith - Reappropriations
LR: 0017H.02T HCS HB 17
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee
- HB 18 - Smith - Appropriates money for maintenance and repair of state property
LR: 0018S.03T SCS HCS HB 18
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Appropriations Committee (0018S.03C)
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 19 - Smith - Appropriates money for capital improvements
LR: 0019S.04T SS SCS HCS HB 19
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Appropriations Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Appropriations Committee (0019S.03C)
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported from S Appropriations Committee w/SCS
- HB 59 - Schnelting - Modifies provisions relating to public safety
LR: 0592S.04C HCS HB 59 with SCS
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 60 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard
LR: 0529H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee (0529S.02C)
- HB 76 - Murphy - Modifies the "Safe Place for Newborns Act of 2002"
LR: 0492H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- HB 252 - Fishel - Modifies provisions relating to transient guest taxes
LR: 0319H.03P HCS HB 252
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 253 - Fishel - Modifies provisions related to school districts
LR: 0794H.02P
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
- HB 271 - Wiemann - Modifies provisions relating to local governments
LR: 0195H.08T CCS SS#2 SCS HCS HB 271
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 4/28/2021 -- Referred H Fiscal Review
- HB 299 - Wallingford - Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements
LR: 0899S.03C SCS HB 299
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee (0899S.03C)
- HB 317 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Task Force One
LR: 1088H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- HB 334 - Simmons - Modifies provisions relating to elections
LR: 1191H.02P HCS HB 334
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 370 - Christofanelli - Authorizes pharmacists to dispense medication for HIV preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis
LR: 0723H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- HB 391 - Griffith - Classifies Missouri National Guard members as state employees for certain purposes
LR: 1125H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- HB 432 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to protection of vulnerable persons
LR: 1150S.06T SS SCS HS HB 432
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee (1150S.04C)
- HB 476 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
LR: 0923H.01T
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 557 - Veit - Establishes provisions relating to the protection of children
LR: 1354S.04T SS HCS HBs 557 & 560
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 563 - Owen - Authorizes the city of Springfield to create a land bank agency
LR: 1444H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 589 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating public health
LR: 0513H.02P HCS HB 589
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Pensions Committee
- HB 701 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
LR: 1524H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Health and Pensions Committee
- HB 734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities
LR: 1660H.09T CCS SS SCS HCS HB 734
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee (1660S.04C)
- HB 738 - Rone - Modifies several provisions relating to elections
LR: 1239H.05D HS HCS HB 738
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Local Government and Elections Committee
- HB 767 - Roden - Prohibits certain charges to customers by public water supply districts and metropolitan water supply districts
LR: 1768H.01P
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee (1768S.04C)
- HB 835 - Haffner - Modifies provisions relating to utilities.
LR: 1544H.04P HCS HB 835
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
- HB 849 - Griffith - Establishes the Capitol Complex Tax Credit Act
LR: 1837H.02P HCS HB 849
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Economic Development Committee
- HB 1083 - Eggleston - Creates new provisions relating to the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits
LR: 2313H.04P HCS HBs 1083, 1085, 1050, 1035, 1036, 873 & 1097
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 1123 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
LR: 2342H.04D HCS HBs 1123 & 1221
- 4/28/2021 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
- HB 1212 - Francis - Creates the Joint Committee on Federal Government Oversight
LR: 2374H.03P HCS HB 1212
- 4/28/2021 -- Second Read and Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HJR 6 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard
LR: 0530S.02C SCS HJR 6
- 4/28/2021 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee (0530S.02C)
- HJR 35 - Griesheimer - Modifies the constitutional powers and duties of the State Treasurer
LR: 0587H.03T HCS HJR 35
- 4/28/2021 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee