Senate Action for 7/7/2021

SB 51 - Luetkemeyer - Establishes provisions relating to civil actions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic
   LR: 0961S.08T    SS#2 SCS SBs 51 & 42
7/7/2021 -- Signed by Governor

SB 126 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor
   LR: 0746S.05T    SS SCS SB 126
7/7/2021 -- Signed by Governor

SB 303 - Gannon - Modifies various provisions relating to workers' compensation
   LR: 1430S.03T    CCS HCS SB 303
7/7/2021 -- Signed by Governor

HB 604 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to insurance
   LR: 1485S.02T    SCS HB 604
7/7/2021 -- Signed by Governor