SCS/HB 578 - This act modifies provisions relating to motor vehicles.BIENNIAL MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS (Section 301.147)
This act repeals the requirement that biennial vehicle registrations shall be renewed in even-numbered years if the vehicle's manufacturer model year is an even-numbered year, and in odd-numbered years if the manufacturer model year is an odd-numbered year. (Section 301.147) The act accordingly modifies certain vehicle safety and emissions inspection statutes to refer to biennial registration generally. (Section 307.350 and 643.315)
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/HB 661 (2021), and substantially similar to provisions in HCS/SB 38 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 46 (2021), and provisions in HCS/SS/SB 89 (2021).
ODOMETER READINGS (Sections 301.192, 301.280, 407.526, 407.536, and 407.556)
This act increases, from 10 years to 20 years, the maximum age of motor vehicle required to have its odometer readings recorded in certain circumstances, and specifies that the requirement shall only apply to vehicles with model years of 2011 or newer. (Sections 301.192.1(6) and 301.280.1) A corresponding change is made with regard to odometer fraud offenses. (Sections 407.526 and 407.556.2(2)) The act also specifies that the Department of Revenue may allow electronic signatures on written powers of attorney authorizing mileage disclosures and transfers of ownership. (Section 407.536.8)
These provisions are subject to an emergency clause.
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/HB 661 (2021), and similar to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/SCS/SB 262 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 4 (2021), provisions in HCS/SB 38 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 46 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 89 (2021), SB 370 (2021), HB 664 (2021), and HB 2660 (2020).
This act creates the Motor Vehicle Administration Technology Fund, to which 10% of administrative fees charged by motor vehicle dealers shall be remitted for purposes of developing a modernized, integrated system for the titling of vehicles, the issuance and renewal of vehicle registrations, driver's licenses, and identification cards, and the perfection and release of liens and encumbrances on vehicles. Following establishment of the system, the percentage of the fees required to be remitted is reduced to 1%. These provisions shall expire on January 1, 2037. (Section 301.558.3)
Additionally, this act increases, from less than $200 to $500 or less, the maximum administrative fee a motor vehicle, boat, or powersport dealer licensed by the Department of Revenue may charge for document storage or other administrative or clerical services without being deemed to be engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. The maximum administrative fee specified under the act shall be increased annually by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, or by zero, whichever is greater. (Section 301.558.4)
The act provides that the same administrative fee need not be charged to all retail customers if the dealer's franchise agreement limits the fee to certain classes of customers. (Section 301.558.5)
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/HB 661 (2021), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SS/SB 176 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 4 (2021), provisions in HCS/SB 38 (2021), provisions in SS/SB 46 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 89 (2021), and HCS/HB 1023 (2021), and similar to SB 195 (2021), HB 810 (2021), and SB 1046 (2020).
The act also enacts a lifetime ban from driving a commercial motor vehicle for any person convicted of using a commercial motor vehicle in the commission of a felony involving "severe forms of human trafficking in persons", as defined by federal law. (Section 302.755.19)
These provisions are subject to an emergency clause.
These provisions are identical to provisions in SB 370 (2021) and provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/SCS/SB 262 (2021), and substantially similar to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/HB 661 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 4 (2021), provisions in HCS/SB 38 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 46 (2021), and provisions in HCS/SS/SB 89 (2021).
This act exempts new motor vehicles from the requirement that motor vehicles receive a safety inspection immediately prior to their sale regardless of any current certificate of inspection and approval.
These provisions are identical to provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed HCS/SCS/SB 49 (2021), provisions in the truly agreed to and finally passed SS#2/HB 661 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 4 (2021), provisions in HCS/SB 38 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 46 (2021), provisions in HCS/SS/SB 89 (2021), and HB 687 (2021).