HB 12 Appropriates money for elected officials including the General Assembly, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, and Attorney General

     Handler: Hegeman

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	CCS/SCS/HCS/HB 12 - Elected Officials, Judiciary, Public Defender & General Assembly

.                           ELECTED OFFICIALS

.                  Governor                   House

GR               $ 71,311,958           $ 76,061,583
FEDERAL            38,755,413             39,599,413
OTHER              79,337,543             79,337,543
.                 ___________           ____________
TOTAL            $189,404,914           $194,998,539

.                Senate                     Final

GR               $ 79,495,608           $ 79,445,608 
FEDERAL            43,000,437             43,000,437
OTHER              79,344,016             79,344,016
.                 ____________          _____________
TOTAL            $201,840,061           $201,790,061

.                             JUDICIARY

.                  Governor                   House

GR                $215,391,343          $212,956,423
FEDERAL             14,763,313            14,763,313
OTHER               12,505,875            15,005,875
.                 ____________          ____________
TOTAL             $242,660,531          $242,725,611

.                Senate                     Final

GR               $216,781,681           $216,831,681 
FEDERAL            14,767,438             14,767,438
OTHER              15,024,320             15,024,320
.                 _____________         _____________
TOTAL            $246,573,439           $246,623,439

.                           PUBLIC DEFENDER

.                  Governor                   House

GR                $ 50,456,677          $50,456,677
FEDERAL                625,000              625,000
OTHER                2,737,359            2,737,359
.                  ___________           ____________
TOTAL             $ 53,819,036          $53,819,036

.                 Senate                     Final

GR                $ 53,429,206          $53,429,206  
FEDERAL                625,000              625,000
OTHER                2,748,609            2,748,609
.                ___________            _____________
TOTAL             $ 56,802,815          $56,802,815

.                           GENERAL ASSEMBLY 

.                  Governor                   House

GR                $ 38,940,693          $ 39,363,782
FEDERAL                      0                     0
OTHER                  375,989               375,989
.                  ___________          ____________
TOTAL             $ 39,316,682          $ 39,739,771

.                  Senate                     Final

GR                $ 39,343,345          $ 39,462,740 
FEDERAL                      0                     0
OTHER                  375,989               375,989
.                  ___________          _____________
TOTAL             $ 39,719,334          $ 39,838,729

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