Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/SB 254 - This act specifies that the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the county sheriff for the county in which the facility is located, the United States Department of Agriculture, and any other federal or Missouri state agency with statutory or regulatory authority shall have exclusive authority to inspect the grounds or facilities located in Missouri for the production of eggs, milk or other dairy products, the raising of livestock or poultry, or the production or raising of dogs or other animals that are not used to produce any food product.

No person, individual, corporation or other association, governmental entity, or any other entity shall inspect such grounds or facilities to enforce or carry out the laws of Missouri or any other state unless specifically requested by the owner of the grounds or facilities, or pursuant to a search warrant lawfully issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

The act shall not apply to inspections performed in charter counties or the city of St. Louis or to inspections performed on any further processing component of any production agriculture farm.

No testimony or evidence regarding any condition or event at the grounds or facilities listed in the act shall be admissible in any criminal prosecution or civil case unless offered by certain individuals listed in the act.

This act is substantially similar to HCS/HB 574 (2021) and similar to SCS/SB 699 (2020), HB 1583 (2020), and the perfected HCS/HB 951 (2019).


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