Bills assigned to Insurance and Banking


SB 4 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to transportation
SB 6 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to insurance
SB 28 - Crawford - Modifies provisions of the Missouri Education Savings Program
SB 29 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to insurance
SB 45 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to certain firefighters who contracted certain types of cancer as a result of employment as a firefighter
SB 80 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to insurance coverage for mental health conditions
SB 89 - Wieland - Enacts provisions relating to transportation
SB 90 - Wieland - Specifies that life insurance companies may issue funding agreements
SB 102 - Eigel - Creates new provisions governing occupational diseases diagnosed in first responders
SB 105 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency
SB 106 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to financial institutions
SB 112 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription drug costs
SB 152 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions related to education
SB 209 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to group personal lines property and casualty insurance
SB 261 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to unanticipated out-of-network health care
SB 264 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs
SB 288 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the Consumer Price Index or five percent, measured annually
SB 294 - Hoskins - Exempts insurers from the requirement to send an explanation of refusal to write automobile insurance if the applicant is written on a policy by an affiliate or subsidiary insurer within the same holding company
SB 310 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund
SB 329 - Rowden - Enacts provisions relating to federal regulation of private health insurance
SB 339 - Luetkemeyer - Creates new provisions relating to occupational diseases diagnosed in certain first responders
SB 359 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the enforcement of instruments by persons not in possession
SB 360 - Wieland - Modifies the supplemental surcharge collected by the director of the division of workers' compensation
SB 362 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to financial institutions
SB 369 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of insured property
SB 382 - Burlison - Modifies permanent total disability benefits payable under workers' compensation laws
SB 385 - Brown - Modifies various provisions governing financial transactions
SB 401 - Onder - Enacts provisions relating to payments for health care services
SB 422 - May - Prohibits the use of credit information in underwriting certain types of insurance
SB 444 - May - Prohibits the denial or termination of life insurance policies based solely on age
SB 456 - Schupp - Modifies provisions governing traditional installment loan lenders
SB 472 - Schupp - Requires health benefit plans providing coverage for prescription contraceptives to cover a 13-month supply of the contraceptives
SB 474 - Bean - Repeals certain provisions relating to health benefit plans offered by health maintenance organizations
SB 475 - Bean - Repeals certain requirements for the associations eligible to be issued policies of group health insurance
SB 484 - Gannon - Modifies the definition of "health carrier" to include prepaid dental plans for purposes of practitioner credentialing
SB 485 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services
SB 489 - Roberts - Allows financial institutions to provide services to certain organizations
SB 501 - Wieland - Modifies provisions relating to the licensure of insurance producers
SB 605 - Koenig - Creates new reporting requirements for the state auditor relating to state lending and credit support programs
SB 613 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to insurance coverage for health care services performed by athletic trainers or physical therapists
SJR 26 - Eslinger - Proposes an amendment to the state constitution regarding health insurance
HB 384 - Veit - Modifies provisions relating to Workers' Compensation
HB 604 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to insurance
HB 697 - DeGroot - Modifies provisions relating to property assessment contracts for energy efficiency
HB 814 - O'Donnell - Modifies which properties are eligible for financial institutions.
HB 928 - Thompson - Modifies provisions relating to financial institutions
HJR 35 - Griesheimer - Modifies the constitutional powers and duties of the State Treasurer