Sen. Sandy Crawford’s Capitol Report for the Week of Nov. 8

As Americans, and as Missourians, we gather on Nov. 11 each year to honor the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. We are humbled by their sacrifice in defending the ideals our country was founded on. Today we honor them.

The price of freedom is high. While we may never be able to fully repay our debt of gratitude to the hundreds of thousands of American service members who have died in battle or were wounded, we can pay tribute and say “thank you” to the nearly 19 million veterans still living today, including our own Missouri veterans.

Their sacrifices and duty should always be appreciated.  They should always know how grateful we are for their service, as a state and as a nation. May we never forget to thank them for their acts of bravery and selflessness, not just today but everyday.

I am honored to serve as your senator in the Missouri Senate. If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at (573) 751-8793 or