Sen. Dave Schatz Files Legislation to Challenge Federal Overreach; Block President’s Unconstitutional Actions

Senator Dave Schatz Files Legislation to Challenge Federal Overreach; Block President’s Unconstitutional Actions

Jefferson City — Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz, R-Sullivan, filed Senate Bill 571 to challenge the flurry of executive actions and rule changes emanating from the White House — and to block unconstitutional actions from being implemented in the state of Missouri.

“The president’s abuse of the executive order is a threat to our constitutional rights,” said Schatz. “The United States has a president, not a king. Missourians want to make it very clear to those in Washington who are seeking to dictate by ‘the stroke of a pen’ you aren’t going to silence our voices, you aren’t going to take our lawful weapons, you aren’t going to throw open our borders to criminals and you aren’t going to bankrupt our economy and destroy our energy infrastructure.”

Since January, the current president has signed 34 executive orders. These include overturning border security measures, providing funding for foreign nonprofits that promote abortion, canceling infrastructure projects and rolling back measures to hold cities accountable for violent anti-police riots.

At his current pace, the president is on track to sign more than 400 executive orders this year alone — an amount of unilateral decision-making unseen since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 12 years in the White House.