Honoring UCM
I was honored this week to welcome a delegation from the University of Central Missouri to the Capitol. During their visit, I presented them with a Senate resolution recognizing the university on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. Among those present to receive the resolution were UCM President Dr. Roger Best and First Lady Robin Best, Board President Steve Abney, Vice President John Collier, board member Ken Weymuth, Provost Phil Bridgmon, Vice President of Student Affairs Shari Bax and a number of faculty, staff and student dignitaries.

The University of Central Missouri began in 1871 as the Second Normal School District. What began as a one-room college dedicated to training Missouri teachers has grown to become a technologically advanced university serving students from 43 states and 32 countries. UCM is consistently ranked among the top regional universities in the Midwest by U.S. News and World Report and has been recognized by The Princeton Review as the best college in the Midwestern region for 15 consecutive years. As a proud alumnus of UCM myself, I’m honored to represent such a fine educational institution in the Missouri Senate.
I also want to give a shout out to the university’s women’s basketball team. The UCM Jennies made it to the NCAA Division II Final Four with a 23-5 record, but their season finally ended with a 63-61 nail-biter loss in the semi-final round to the No. 1 women’s basketball team in the nation, Lubbock Christian. Fans of other Missouri-based teams may have seen their favorites eliminated early during March Madness, but those rooting for the Jennies were certainly not disappointed as the women of the University of Central Missouri did our region proud. Congratulations ladies!

One measure passed by the Senate this week will be of interest to residents of the 21st District who are employed at the Western Missouri Correctional Center in Cameron. Senate Bill 212 passed out of the upper chamber and is now in the hands of the House of Representatives. A package of legislation relating to prisons and the parole board, the bill requires substance abuse assessments for all prisoners; provides feminine hygiene products for female offenders; directs money collected at prison canteens toward inmate recreation activities, religious, education and reentry services and requires any federal COVID-19 stimulus checks received by prisoners to first go to pay victim restitution.
As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-4302. You may also email me at denny.hoskins@senate.mo.gov.