Statement from Sen. Lincoln Hough Regarding President’s Announced COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate

Statement from Senator Lincoln Hough Regarding President’s Announced COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate

Jefferson City — State Sen. Lincoln Hough, R-Springfield, today issued a statement relating to the president’s announcement regarding a COVID-19 vaccination mandate:

“I have heard from constituents who are concerned about the president’s recent COVID-19 testing and vaccine mandate. Everyone’s lives and businesses are different. I believe trying to do a ‘one-size-fits-all’ regulation will grow government and take away personal liberties. I firmly believe the best course of action is to pursue a legal remedy through the attorney general’s office. We do not need an extra session in order for this to happen.

 “Regarding ongoing COVID discussions, our local communities are in the best position to navigate through these unprecedented times. These are the people you know and elect — your local school board, city council and county commission members.

 “As I have said from the beginning of this pandemic, these are personal and business decisions, and I will continue to approach each new issue with this in mind. We need to work together, and when we do, we can accomplish great things for our communities.

 “I have directed my staff to send a copy of this statement to the governor.”

 For more information on Sen. Lincoln Hough, please visit his official Missouri Senate webpage at