- SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts
LR: 4623S.01I
- 12/15/2021 -- Prefiled
- SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology
LR: 4719S.02C SCS SB 978
- 12/15/2021 -- Prefiled
- SB 979 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to animal research at colleges and universities
LR: 4703S.01I
- 12/15/2021 -- Prefiled
- SB 980 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of animal abuse
LR: 4698S.01I
- 12/15/2021 -- Prefiled