- SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program
LR: 4016S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 650 - Eigel - Modifies provisions related to charter schools
LR: 3580S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 657 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions related to school boards
LR: 3510S.01I SB 657
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 662 - Arthur - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation
LR: 3482S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Bill Combined (w/SCS/SBs 681 & 662 )
- SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense
LR: 3356S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Motion to vote bill do pass failed S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 673 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits
LR: 4011S.03I
- 2/10/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SBs 673 & 709) Appropriations Committee (4011S.04C)
- SB 680 - Luetkemeyer - Places a limit on the growth in assessments of residential real property
LR: 3717S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
LR: 4133S.14T CCS#2 HCS SS SCS SBs 681 & 662
- 2/10/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SBs 681 & 662) Education Committee (4133S.06C)
- SB 700 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes
LR: 4182S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 709 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits
LR: 4008S.02I
- 2/10/2022 -- Bill Combined w/(SCS/SBs 673 & 709)
- SB 715 - Roberts - Authorizes a property tax credit for certain senior citizens
LR: 4081S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 736 - Koenig - Authorizes a property tax credit as a result of certain restrictive orders
LR: 3595S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee (3595S.04C)
- SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities
LR: 3896S.10T SS#3 SCS SB 758
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 761 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to access to public records
LR: 3550H.04C HCS SS#2 SB 761
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration
LR: 3507S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 786 - Bean - Establishes a reimbursement program for peace officer training
LR: 4228S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 796 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles
LR: 3170S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee
- SB 807 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to corporations
LR: 3527H.05C HCS SS SB 807
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways and Means Committee
- SB 869 - Koenig - Modifies the calculation of the amount a school district with one or more pupils attending a charter school shall pay to the charter school
LR: 3591S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Education Committee
- SB 1133 - White - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacist dispensation of certain medications
LR: 5564S.02C SCS SB 1133
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1134 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to self-defense
LR: 3988S.02I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1135 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Sunshine Law
LR: 4191S.02I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1136 - Roberts - Authorizes a tax credits for employers providing educational assistance to employees
LR: 5386S.02I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1137 - Roberts - Establishes provisions relating to inquiries of wage ranges
LR: 5388S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1138 - Hough - Authorizes a tax credit for all taxpayers
LR: 5538S.02I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1139 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of assessed values of motor vehicles
LR: 5558S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1140 - Schupp - Modifies provisions regarding the compulsory attendance age for school from seven to five
LR: 5492S.01I SB 1140-Schupp
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SB 1141 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the new business facilities tax credit
LR: 5570S.01I
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- SJR 39 - Luetkemeyer - Allows the growth in assessed values to be limited by law
LR: 3718S.01P
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- SJR 41 - Roberts - Authorizes counties to freeze the real property assessed values of certain senior citizens
LR: 4241S.06P SS SJR 41
- 2/10/2022 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways and Means Committee
- HB 3014 - Smith - Appropriates supplemental state funding
LR: 3014S.05T SS SCS HCS HB 3014
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read
- HJR 79 - Henderson - Modifies the process for adopting constitutional amendments
LR: 3408S.03C SCS HCS HJR 79
- 2/10/2022 -- S First Read